Igboanyika Nnaemeka

Phone: (234) 8164271504
Email: nnaemekaigboanyika@gmail.com

I am an Android developer and lifelong learner that loves building apps that help users be more productive and solve problems. I currently spend most of my time working on projects with small teams. I am looking to get hired in teams or companies where I will be exposed to new challenges that I can help solve with my skills.

My main skill set includes working with: Java, Kotlin, Android and Android SDK (Jetpack and AndroidX Libraries included), XML and Gradle Automation



Freelance Android Developer

Worked directly with clients to deliver on their projects (apps) while applying my skills to make sure their projects are built with the best standards.

April - Present 2020


Amdroid Developer Nanodegree

Learnt and built projects on a lot, Including but not restricted to... Android fundamentals such as Activities, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers also learnt about Android Architecture Components.
Leant about adding complex functionalities such as Media Playback, Widgets, using the PlacesAPI and testing android components with Expresso.
Learnt about harnessing the power of Gradle for android development. Built multi module projects and apps with many build variants, also learnt a whole more about signing APK.
Learnt about material design in a whole lot more detail and how to build beautiful apps that intrigue users.

View Certificate

April - June 2020

Hotels.ng Internship

Amdroid Developer Intern

Completed the hotels.ng internship and graduated as a finalist. I ended up developing more than 5 apps both individually and with a team, two of which were uploaded to the playstore

September - November 2019


Federal University of Technology

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
Physics - Electronics Option
Febuary 2018

Demonstration Secondary School

O Level Degree
Senior West African secondary school certificate
September 2007 - June 2013


Programming Languages


  • Writing articles in my spare time.
  • Reading articles written by great developers.
  • Experimenting with new stuff I find in canary


Boblo Search

Star Wars